Smart cities - the future



 Smart cities are becoming more smarter


The concept of a smart city is around improving quality of life by bringing next-generation technology to residents. Smart cities need sensors and endpoints in an urban center to manage assets and resources efficiently. Ultimately, smart cities need a great network to carry all that data.


Keys that define a Smart City:

  • Use of information and communication technologies.
  • Building and control automation.
  • Efficient urban planning.
  • Urban mobility and sustainable public transport.
  • Smart waste management.
  • Improving environmental sustainability.
  • Concern for the social environment.
  • Technologies applied to education

What makes a smart city smarter?

A smart city uses information and communication technology (ICT) to improve operational efficiency, share information with the public and provide a better quality of government service and citizen welfare.

Coming to some of the best examples of smart cities found across the World, they are :


02. Zurich.

03. Oslo.

04. Taipei.

05. Lausanne.

06. Helsinki.

07. Copenhagen

What are the benefits of smart cities ?

  • Efficient Transportation and Better Traffic Flow. 
  • Sustainable Energy Usage and Health Improvements. 
  • Improved Public Services. 
  • Enhanced Safety and Security. 
  • Infrastructure Improvements.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities. 
  • Smart City Sensors. 
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Smart Cities. 
What are the disadvantages of smart cities ?

  • Significant capital investment in technology is required.
  • There is a dependence on technology service companies.

Now understanding the main essence of smart city and the reason why countries are racing against time to create as many smart cities in urban areas as possible, it is essential to truly comprehend how can smart cities by built from scratch. 


·         An infrastructure based around technology. –


Technology infrastructure refers to the components that make the operation and management of enterprise IT services and IT environments possible. This infrastructure includes all hardware, software, networks, and facilities companies use to create, test, deliver, control, and support IT services.

Environmental initiatives: In a smart city, the technological infrastructure can be used to help in reduction of air and water pollution and also cope with the rising destructive threat of climate change.

   Air sensors, inbuilt with smart technology, can help detect the pollution levels, which help reduced the air contamination in the city due to the awareness of the right precautions to take in a specific situation

   Street lighting can be embedded with these chips in order to minimize wastage of energy and efficient LED s also complement with this smart development


Urban areas may experience social, environmental, and physical challenges. Creating smart cities is a way to maximize information and communication technologies to deploy and promote safe and sustainable solutions to those challenges. Examples of smart city technologies include:

·         Application programming interfaces (APIs)

·         Artificial intelligence

·         Cloud computing

·         Dashboards

·         Machine learning

·         Machine-to-machine communications

·         Mesh networks

·         Earthquake warning systems


·         Environmental initiatives.:

#In any city, energy savings is crucial. Smart cities are special due to the efficient energy savings which are easily achieved in a highly advanced and technologically superior surroundings. This is mainly attained through street lighting and led lights which are programmed to minimize loss of electricity

#Improved air quality - A huge variety of air sensors can be placed in various parts of the city in order to detect high pollution levels and enable the formulation of precautions and other anti pollution levels in order to make the city's air fresh and safe again.

·                                  # Effective and highly functional public transportation.

                    Effective public transportation include the metropolitan connections within a smart city. Use of artificial intelligence in order to determine the number of people travelling in peak time is also beneficial since provides extremely valuable information regarding the accomodation of the commuters in the seats as well as the hike or fall in ticket prices for maximum profit.

                It can also be used to plan the routes of the public transportation vehicle through minimal traffic enabling faster commute from one place to another. This helps save people's valuable time and also makes the city more efficient

            Presence of high speed highways and well laid railway lines using modern infrastructure is also a major factor which makes public transportation affordable, eco friendly and lucrative.


·                                # People able to live and work within the city, using its resources.

                Smart cities always ensures that the city never suffers a shortage of all essential and non essential products. The efficient transportation networks which have been previously been mentioned, also allow the movement and transit of goods and other industrial materials over vast distances in very limited time. Hence the need of moving out of the city to acquire various products is totally non existent. People can work with ease in the city with the continous inflow of required products according to the corresponding demand                                   


            Smart cities were once something that you would read in a fictional story. But now in the modern world smart cities are the future ! , governments need to focus on schemes related to the implementation of the concept of smart cities.

WAwareness must be spread and citizens should support schemes are for the development of society. 

       The feeling of "My community, My nation" must be propagated and steps should be taken for the development from the grassroots of society

        At the end of the day, if we do not undergo the smart revolution, the enormity of the world issues that we face currently might eventually overwhelm mankind leading to the end of humanity. This must be avoided at all cost. If we choose to ignore this new technological age, and not acknowledge its importance, mankind itself might land itself in peril.

        Hence I am of the opinion, "LONG LIVE THE SMART REVOLUTION" !





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